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Athenee Residence
Athenee Residence: 2bed 2bath 97sqm. Fully Furnished Sell: 29,000,000 transfer fee 50/50 with tenant Call/Line: Am Contact number https://line.me/ti/p/_MXfrDHcUp Whatsapp /Wechat: Contact number #atheneeresidence #atheneeresidenceforrent #atheneeresidenceforsell #condoforsellploenchit #condoforsellchidlom #condoforsellwirelessroad #condoforsellbtsploenchit #condoforsellruamrudee #condoforrentploenchit #condoforrentchidlom #condoforrentwirelessroad #condoforrentruamrudee #condoforrentnexttobtsploenchit #luxurycondoforrent #luxurycondoforrentploenchit #luxurycondoforrentchidlom #condoforrentnexttobts #condofrosellnexttobts #luxurycondoforsell #luxurycondoforsellploenchit #luxurycondoforsellchidlom #propertytown
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