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Origin Plug & Play E22 Station
Room 1501, 15th floor, room size 23.55 sq.m. North side room, 2-storey Duplex room 4.2 meter high ceiling, pets allowed See room type https://visualpanorama.com/360/premium360/origin/OriginPPE22Station/DUO1/ 👉Contract price 2,290,000 baht Current project price 2.69 million baht Down payment 212,700 baht (can pay later after transfer) Transfer day discount 200,000 baht 📍Equal to selling the room for 2,090,000 baht (project launch price) On the day of purchase, pay a reservation fee of 10,000 baht (down payment can be paid after the transfer, no lump sum required) Interested, please contact Tum (room owner) Contact number Line ID : Tumrsu Reason for selling: Already bought a house, so didnt add more, selling at the same price as I bought it, price when the project was launched.
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Baht“background music” clicking on the speakers to enhance more viewing experience.
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