Down payment for sale, Building E, 23rd floor, size 25.7 sq m.

plus Created 2025-02-05 11:45
edit Updated 2025-02-05 14:47
plus Create 2025-02-05 11:45
edit Update 2025-02-05 14:47


Urgent sale down payment 450,000 (equal to the down payment capital) Contract price 3532,000 There is a discount after transfer of ownership 376,600 (the discount alone will be equal to the down payment price) Next to the expressway, convenient to travel into the city, complete lifestyle Good for investment or living, in the future there will be a grey line electric train passing through soon, the price will definitely increase further Building E, 23rd floor, corner room, Hua Tiew faces east, city view and beautiful expressway curve The other side is next to the fire escape, no need to worry about noise from the next room Only 300 meters from The Crystal shopping mall Interested, please chat or call Contact number Line ID : sing627

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Urgent sale down payment 450,000 (equal to the down payment capital) Contract price 3532,000 There is a discount after transfer of ownership 376,600 (the discount alone will be equal to the down payme

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