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Private Nirvana Ladprao
Private Nirvana Ladprao 📍 Private Nirvana Ladprao (FOR SALE) Single house, next to the expressway, very good location 📣 Suitable for people who work in the city, easy to travel, convenient to get on the expressway Price 15 million Details : ▪️ 2-storey single house ▪️ Land size 68.2 square wah ▪️ Usable area 200 square meters ▪️ 4 bedrooms / 4 bathrooms ▪️ Parking for 3 cars ▪️ Facing northeast 🍃 Good condition, ready to move in 🍃 The owner has lived there all the time, taken good care of the house, never rented out 🍃 There is a private garden 🍃 There is enough space for raising animals 🍃 There is a maids room 🍃 The floor doesnt sink 🍃 No flooding (heavy rain drains quickly) 🍃 Capital Gain, the price increases every year 🍃 Good neighbors, never had any problems ✨ Free! Built-in kitchen counter Amda: 08Hok-166519Kao
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