📍 For sale: 2-storey twin house, I-Leaf Park Village 1, good location, convenient transportation, near the market, shopping mall, school and hospital, only 2.45 million.

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📍 For sale: 2-storey twin house, I-Leaf Park Village 1, good location, convenient transportation, near the market, shopping mall, school and hospital, only 2.45 million 🏡 Size 38.6 sq m., 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 2 parking spaces - Added roof for the front parking lot and kitchen - 1st floor has a multipurpose room that can be used as a room for the elderly - There is space on the side, can grow trees 🚘 Nearby important places - Central Mahachai 17km - Boonthavorn Rama 2 branch 5.7km - Wat Phanthai Norasing 5km - Norwich International School Bangkok 6.6km - Panasi Hospital Rama 2: 6.8km - Lotus Rama 2: 13km 📍Map: https://maps.app.goo.gl/fUnwN1REu9L4pGBq6 ☎️Interested, please contact☎️ Contact number Contact number

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📍 For sale: 2-storey twin house, I-Leaf Park Village 1, good location, convenient transportation, near the market, shopping mall, school and hospital, only 2.45 million 🏡 Size 38.6 sq m., 4 bedrooms,

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