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____________ ⚡️⚡️20,000 baht / month⚡️⚡️ _____________ Single house, Rangsit location!! Get a house like a cafe [Rangsit Khlong 2, Thanyaburi, Pathum Thani] Land size 35 sq m. (7 meters wide, 20 meters deep) Usable area 131 sq m. The house is 6 meters wide Soi Rangsit-Nakhon Nayok 33, in the middle of the alley 2-storey empty house, newly renovated 🚪 House number 137 🛏 2 bedrooms 🛁 2 bathrooms 🚗 2 parking spaces With water tank and constant pressure water pump There are 2 multipurpose zones, can be changed according to the users preferences There is a rooftop area on the balcony for viewing the view There is an area prepared for a kitchen And place a washing machine Near Future Park Rangsit Khlong 2 Buddha Image Market Conveniently located, you can make a U-turn into the city or leave the city to the motorway 📌 Map: https://goo.gl/maps/7c9cciJRfbbE7hGWA 📌 The front of the house faces: East Interested, please contact: Contact number (Mink) The owner sells it himself.
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