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Niche Mono Charoen Nakorn
Single Coridoor does not have a room opposite the north side. This corner room. This corner is not sold. The cheapest 4,200,000 -North in the morning, afternoon, not hot, not air. 180 degrees, rivers beside the room, beautiful corner - The room is good, the view is very beautiful. Good direction, not next to the garbage room - It is 1 Bed Plus. There is a office, reading room - The head of the bed is north. The best - The room is wider than usual. There is a separate office - Ferrer SB Furniture ☑️ 6-foot bed ☑️ TV shelf ☑️ Sofa, dining table, 2 wardrobes, kitchen cabinets, bathrooms, built-in bathrooms Shoe cabinet ☑️ 2 air conditioners, 1 set of electric stove, Digital Door Lock set ☑️ Refrigerator ☑️ Washing machine ☑️ Water heater ☑️ East Well, not good in the afternoon, Asian view, river view ☑️ 2.7 meters high, very airy ☑️ The most beautiful river condo Give more perspective 180 degrees ☑️ Complete, fitness, swimming pool, meeting room, snack room, playground Half of the transfer cost ?) srpp888 Tel: Contact number
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