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Supalai Wellington
A) 87 square-meters condo with 2beds and 2baths: B) Fully equipped with furniture and electricity appliances. It is ready for your move-in with your personal luggage; C) It is at 15th floor facing east and north. It is good for natural air circulation-windy; D) A clean swimming pool and well equipped fitness including sauna facilities are provided for aceess by the condo owners; E) The condo is located opposite to the embassy of the Republic of Korea and next to the Ministry of Culture of Thailand. F) A number of restaurants in front of the project are available for your choice and of course a 7/11 and a Chinese Supermarket are within 30meters from the Gate; G) There are a number of International schools nearby including but not limited to KIS Bangkok, Regent, SISB, etc.. The only French school is also closer to the condo: H) A Big C and a Home Pro and the Street are within the walking distance.
0.8 Km.
0.8 Km.
0.9 Km.
1.5 Km.
1.6 Km.
1.7 Km.
1.7 Km.
1.9 Km.
2.5 Km.
2.8 Km.
2.8 Km.
4.1 Km.
4.3 Km.
4.7 Km.
17.1 Km.
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