House for Sale Lancio Wongwaen-Ramindra 42sq.wah 3Bed Beautifully Decorated

plus Created 2025-02-12 16:44
edit Updated 2025-02-12 22:41
plus Create 2025-02-12 16:44
edit Update 2025-02-12 22:41
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Single house for sale, Lancio, Wongwaen-Ramintra, beautifully decorated, ready to move in, good location, convenient transportation, near Fashion Island and expressway, suitable for living and investment Interested in viewing the house: Khun P, Tel: Contact number Line: Contact number House details: **Area 42 square wah **3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms **Kitchen **Parking for 1 car **Full set of furniture **Furniture and equipment: **Sofa **Dining table set **Air conditioner **Kitchen set **Curtains throughout the house **Water pump and water tank Good location: **Fashion Island **The Promenade **Central Ramintra **Big C Sukhapiban 2 **Tesco Lotus Minburi **Minburi Market **Safari World **Seri Rak Hospital **Nopparat Rajathanee Hospital **Sarasas Witaed Nimitmai School **Sathit Phatthana **Khlong Song Road **Ramintra, Khu Bon, Hathai Rat area Special price: 4.39 million baht Interested in viewing the house: Khun P, Tel: Contact number Line: Contact number Tags: #House for sale #Single house #Beautifully decorated house #Ready to move in house #Ram Intra house #Ram Intra ring road house #Ram Intra single house #House near Fashion Island #House near expressway #House near school #House near mall #Min Buri house #Eastern Bangkok house #Good location house #Nice house #Good price house #Beautiful and cheap house #House near community #House near public park #House near hospital #House with furniture #House suitable for investment #House near main road #Real estate #Single house in good location #Lancio #Ram Intra house #Khu Bon house #Hathai Rat house #House for sale #Single house #Beautifully decorated house #Ready to move in house #Ram Intra house #Ram Intra ring road house #Ram Intra single house #House near Fashion Island #House near expressway #House near school #House near shopping mall #Minburi house #Eastern Bangkok house #House in a good location #Nice house #Good price house #Beautiful and cheap house #House near community #House near public park #House near hospital #House with furniture #House suitable for investment #House near main road #Real estate #Single house in a good location

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Single house for sale, Lancio, Wongwaen-Ramintra, beautifully decorated, ready to move in, good location, convenient transportation, near Fashion Island and expressway, suitable for living and investm

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