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New factory for sale with Factory Registration Certificate 4 in a prime location in Si Racha Interesting Highlights New factory, ready-to-use condition, Factory Registration Certificate still ACTIVE Near Pioneer DCT Logistics Co., Ltd. warehouse at the entrance to the alley Suitable for: Businesses looking for a factory in the EEC (Eastern Economic Corridor) area High potential location near industrial and logistics areas Asset information Asset Code L082340 Property Type Factory Land Size 2-0-0 rai Usable Area 1170.00 sq.m. Number of Floors 1 floor Details New factory with Factory Registration Certificate 4 (Factory Type No. 61) Factory Type No. 61: Modify, repair tools or appliances made of iron or steel Including components or equipment of such tools or appliances Area of 2 rai with total usable area of more than 1,170 sq.m. Factory + office: usable area of approximately 950 sq.m. Cafeteria: usable area of approximately 130 sq.m. 2-bedroom house: usable area of approximately 90 sq.m. Equipped with 0.5-ton and 7.5-ton cranes 3-phase electric system, size 500 KVA 6-meter wide concrete road, supports large trailers Strong cement floor around the area, built according to government standards Only 450 meters from Highway 331 Nearby places Near Pinthong Industrial Estate 3 (only 3 km.) Near Laem Chabang Port (only 20 km.)
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