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Property code 08863: Narapirom-Bang Len Land ** Coordinates: 13.94521859,100.26094931 Property type: is a 35-meter-wide land, 35 meters deep, the road in front of the land, 6 meters wide, suitable for agriculture. Or build a Tiledee housing, convenient to travel and out of many routes Area: 144 (3,500 ext // The selling price is only reduced to only: 504,000 baht. Project name: Narapirom-Bang Len*Near Narapirom Health Promotion Hospital ** For more information ** Khun Siri Contact number Office Contact number, Contact number Location: Krungnon-Chong Thanom Road, Deputy Road, Bang Kruai-Sai Noi Narapirom Subdistrict, Bang Len District, Nakhon Pathom Province Nearby/Near Health Promotion Hospital - Wat Sawang Arom, Nakhon Pathom Narapirom - Lotus Ko Fresh Narapirom - Narapirom Temple - Khlong Ong Temple, Nonthaburi Narapirom Dharma Practice Center Convenient access - out of many ways: - Krungnon Road - Chong Thanom - Bang Kruai Road - Sai Noi - Highway 3004
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