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Property Code 10172: Good Land ** Coordinates: 13.91757035, 100.34020522 Property type: 11.13 meters wide, 33.59 meters deep, suitable for cultivating houses, warehouses, offices, offices, or agricultural gardens. Convenient access-out Area: 100 Sq. Selling price: 1,300,000 baht Project name: Soi Ket Um // Near the Fah Fah Restaurant ** For more information ** Khun Ya Contact number Office: Contact number, Contact number Location: Lak Road, Soi Wat Lat Pla Duk, Deputy Road, Ket Phatthana Subdistrict Bang Khurat, Bang Bua Thong District Nonthaburi Province Nearby/nearby places: - Wat Lat Pla Duk - Full Rak Temple - Wat Phuttha Phawana - Bang Bua Thong School - Rachakasinthorn St. Peter - Wat School Full Rak - Pruksa Kindergarten 3 - Thep Phithak School - Wat Lat Pla Duk - Clinic Mitritri - Krung Thai - Pha Kasemrat Rattanathibet - Central West Gate -Big C Bang Yai - Jess Green Village, Bang Bua Thong - Max Value Bang Bua Thong Easy access -out channels: - Soi Wat Lat Pla Duk - Liab Khlong Road - Nai Nai Road - Ketam Phatthana Road - Rural Road, NPO 1002
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