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Property Code 10108: Good land, good location on the main road *Coordinates: 13.82344654, 100.63114685 Property type: empty land is a yellow area, good location on the main road, 8 lanes, suitable for living. Or make a showroom, office, luxury condo, hotel, restaurant, hospital, travel, access and out of many channels Place: 1,389 sq.m. Selling price: 403,000,000 baht (? ?) Project name: Soi Prasert Manukit 35 ** For more information ** Khun Lek Contact number Office Contact number, Contact number Location: Lakprasert Manukit Road, Ram Inthra Express Nuanchan Subdistrict, Bueng Kum District, Bangkok Pros/Nearby locations: - Corner market - Ram Inthra Express Market - Central Ewille - Big C Lat Phrao - Lertlao School - Chokchai School Kyo - Kasetsart University - Sripatum University - Sin Medical Hospital - Phayathai Hospital Nawamin - The Walk Kaset - Nawamin - Avenue Kaset -Nawamin -Hom Popai - Ram Inthra - Lat Phrao Hospital - Rong Nawet Nurse Convenient access - out of many channels: - Nawamin Road - Lat Phrao Road - Prasert Manukit Road - Ram Inthra Road - Nuanchan Road - Seri Thai Road - Kanchanaphisek Road - Kaset-Nawamin Road- Ekkamai Expressway Road- Ram Inthra
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