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🏡 Sell Townhouse, Pruksa Ville 47/2 Phutthabat 36 (Pruksa Ville 47/2 Phutthabucha) for sale ✨ Price 2,450,000 baht !!! Location: 2 Phuttha Bucha Road 36, Bang Mot Subdistrict, Thung Khru District, Bangkok Size: All areas: 20.6 square wah Facilities: Bedroom: 3 rooms Bathroom: 2 rooms ‼ ️ Free air conditioning Parking for 1 car in front of the house 24 -hour security system 2 - King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi - Bang Mot Hospital Located in Soi Phuttha Bucha 36 Convenient transportation Both Rama 2 and the way Convenient to enter the city, both Dao Khanong Expressway Suksawat and Industrial Ring 📞 Contact: Khun Golf Contact number Khun Jing Jing Contact number 📲ADD LINE: https://line.me/ti/p/0Ekobt7wtz https://line.me/ti/pdddkjd2NC 🙏🏻 Deposit -selling all types of real estate Take care Every step until the transfer day Welcome to give advice.
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