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Hotel Business
Any capitalist interested in hotel business (closing business) can come to improve and continue. Enter the Surawong Road, the Silom line can be a one way road. The building has a total of 14 floors. The upper floor has a courtyard with a helicopter. Price 500 million baht The ground floor is a public relations office and the kitchen The mezzanine is Open The 2nd floor is an office, food preparation room, meeting room, exercise room, storage room 3rd floor, housekeeper room Parking Floor 4 to the 8th floor, with 9 rooms The 9th floor has 8 rooms There are 8 floors. There are 8 dual beds and single beds There are 4 rooms with 4 rooms. ?) Floor 12 with 3 rooms Floor 13 with 3 rooms Floor 14, helicopter parking lot (Rod) SUPERIOR Non -Smoking Room 22 sqm. Deluxe Plus 28 sqm. View of the city Deluxe Balco Balcony 30 sqm. ) Junior Connor Sweet Junior Corner Suite 36 sqm. Deluxe Plus Suite 42 sqm. Executive Corner Suite 51 sqm.
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