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Property Code 10355: Land, Soi Sahaporn, Good location *Coordinates: 13.86254302,100.29232849 Property type: Land has not yet been filed on the 2nd road, 20 meters wide, 62 meters deep, next to the Samrang canal. 6 meters wide, with water all year, suitable for building a residence Small factory Warehouse Convenient access-out From the entrance of Soi Sahaporn (4 lane road) about 400 meters away from the construction of the expressway between Bang Yai-Kanchanaburi 1 km Area: 312 Sq. Selling price: 2,750,000 baht Project name: Soi Sahaporn // Opposite Phuttha Aram Tai ** For more information ** Khun Kit Contact number Office Contact number, Contact number Location: Lak Boromarajonani Road, Deputy Highway 3004, Bangkok Khlong Yong Subdistrict, Phutthamonthon District Nakhon Pathom Province Pros/Nearby places: - Khlong Yong Subdistrict Municipality - Khlong Yong 2 Health Promotion Hospital - Khlong Yong Market - Mahidol University - Central Salaya - Makro Salaya - Salaya Hospital - Salaya BTS Station Convenient access - out of many ways: - Boromarajonani Road - Nakhon Pathom Public Works No. 2008 - Highway 3004 Bangkok - Chong Thanom - Road Highway 4006 Salaya-Nakhon Chai Si
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