Condo for sale, Double U Ladprao-Wang Hin, size 29.36 square meters, 2nd floor, Soi Lat Phrao Wang Hin 48, Lat Phrao Road, Lat Phrao Subdistrict, Lat Phrao District, Bangkok

plus Created 2025-02-19 13:50
plus Create 2025-02-19 13:50


🏙 Condo for sale Double U Ladprao-Wang Hin size 29.36 square meters, 2nd floor, Soi Ladprao, Wang Hin 48, Lat Phrao Road, Wang Hin, Lat Phrao Subdistrict, Lat Phrao District, Bangkok 💵 Price 1,590,000 baht + Area 29.36 square meters + Western Balcony + 1 bedroom + 1 bathroom + Central value 35 baht/sq.m. + Lat Phrao Subdistrict + Lat Phrao District + Bangkok -------------------------- 🏙️ The Double Udom condominium project consists of 2 floors, 2 buildings, located in Lat Phrao area. Convenient transportation, which is the center of interest and including various facilities. Many ------------------------ ⛱️ Facilities: - Parking - CCTV camera - 24-hour security officers —————————— 📌 Coordinates: Double U Condo Ladprao-Wang Https:// ————————————- 🚘 Nearby places: - YL02 Prayer (2.2 km) - 7-Eleven (0.1 km) - Ban Dan Dream School (1.3 km) - Hospital Paul Chokchai 4 (1.9 km) - Plaza Lagoon Wang Hin (0.1 km) - Kasetsart University - -------------------------- 📱 Interested in asking more Appointment to see the place 🟢 Line: nanashoes ☎️ Contact number (Na) Property Advisor -------------------- ---------- 💐 Our service + Real estate class + Real estate advisor + Selling, selling, selling, depositing ------------------------- See all of our property 🌏 ----------------------- #Assetinternal #Assetinternal #Double Yuhondo #Ladprao Condo #Wang Hin Condo #House broker #House sales cells #And house sales #House for sale #House sales representative Do #Condo sales cells #Agent Condo Sale #Condo sale #Condo sales agent #Condo broker #Condo broker #Condo broker

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🏙 Condo for sale Double U Ladprao-Wang Hin size 29.36 square meters, 2nd floor, Soi Ladprao, Wang Hin 48, Lat Phrao Road, Wang Hin, Lat Phrao Subdistrict, Lat Phrao District, Bangkok 💵 Price 1,590,000

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