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Property Code 10390: Land, good location, very good atmosphere ** Coordinates: 14.6026264,101.21107784 Property type: Land is a garden. Next to the concrete road surrounded by good atmosphere, good location, near the resort, accommodation Suitable for building residences, resorts or agriculture. Approximately 200 meters away from the road, convenient to access-out of many channels Area: 9-0-26.2 Rai Selling price: 36,262,000 baht Project name: Pak Chong-Dong Phaya Yen ** For more information ** Khun Tok Contact number Office Contact number, Contact number Location: Main Road No. 1016 through the second road through the battle of Phaya Yen Subdistrict Pak Chong, Nakhon Ratchasima Province Pros/Nearby places: - The school passed the battle - Nong Yang Temple, Phaya Yen Subdistrict, Green Valley Resort - Muak Lek Waterfall - Danish Thai Milk Farm - Golf Course, Cantree Club Easy access - out of many ways: - Mittraphap Road No. 2 - Highway 1016 - Road through Battle - Road Motorway Expressway No. 6
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