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📍New! Commercial building 3.5 floors, Khlong 4 by my house 📍 ✅ New design, modern design Good quality materials ✅ Only 8 units ✅ 5 - 8 meters wide ✅ Option 20.4 - 41.3 sq.w. ✅ Usable area 215 - 362 sq.m. ✅ Prices start at 4.85 -12.95 million baht ✅ 3 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms ✅ Spacious parking, 4 - 8 cars ✅ Beautiful house numbers 9/91 - 9/98 ✅ The top is suitable for living. Below is suitable for commercial stores such as beauty clinic, beauty salon, teeth shop, massage shop, cafe, or any area you want 📌 Located in a good location Near the community Near the Rose School, Rangsit College and Department Stores such as Market Village, Rangsit, Lotus and Future Park Rangsit 🌈 Special gift - Free water pump (according to project standards) - Free water tank on the ground (According to project standards) - Free of water -fire meter 🙂 Let the My House project give good residences. Along with creating a business future for you at the same time 🙂 🔥 Book now 🔥 ☎️ Interested contact number Contact number (Pao) Line ID: Pattreeya18 😃 Make an appointment to watch the project every day 😃
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