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Single House for Sales 618 sq.m. with Land 225 sqw. Near Srirat Expressway, MRT Wongsawang ======================= ================== Single House on the Area of 225 square wah 2 + 1 BEDROOM I 4 + 1 BATHROOM I HOUSEKEEPER'S AREA 4 INDOOR PARKING LOTS [ EXCLUDING OUTDOOR PARKING AREA ] Separate Thai Kitchen Area & Housekeeper Zone from Multi -Purpose Area Land Area of 225 square wah, Utilized Area 618 square meters ============================= ============== SELLING PRICE THB 35,000,000.- +++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++ Map: https://maps.app.goo.gl/ja4h9NygxAHYMPdW9 Nearby Places: Tesco Lotus Pongphet I HomePro Prachachuen I The Mall Ngamwongwan I Phantip Ngamwongwan I Tesco Lotus Rattanathibet I Esplanade Ngamwongwan-Khae Rai I Nonthavej Hospital I Kasemrad Hospital I Vibhavadi Hospital I Dhurakij Pundit University I Kasetsart University I Ministry of Public Health
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