ASPIRE VIBHA-Victory 2-Bed Room and Rare Position of the first price. Investor.

plus Created 2025-02-25 09:18
Boosted yesterday
plus Create 2025-02-25 09:18
Boosted yesterday


Aspire Vibha-Victory 2-BED room, which is a Type, the bestselling room of the project All rooms are in the high class (floor 16-21). Beautiful floor. The view is very rare. There are many rooms to choose from as follows: Yes H106 position, Type H1 room, size 53 sq.m. The balcony turned to the Victory Monument A16H106 (Floor 16) = 5,367,604 + Sellers A21H106 (Floor 21) = 5,590,196 + Seller profit Position K108 Room Type K1 Position 08-Bed 2-bath size 60 sq.m. East balcony A16K108 (16th floor) = 6,397,468 + Sellers' profit I125 Type i1 room, 25 size 54 sq.m. Southern balcony City View, Baiyoke Building A16i125 (16th floor ) = 5,668,216 + Seller profit A17i125 (Floor 17) = 5,713,524 + Seller profit A19I125 (Floor 19) = 5,804,328 + Sellers Position G127 Type G1 Room 27 Size 46 sq.m. Is a 2-Bed size room. Hot view, pool and side, Vipha View Road, beautiful A19g127 (19th floor) = 5,106,848 + Seller profit A21G127 (class 21) = 5,184,116 + Seller profit All rooms are the first price around Investor, the cheapest price of the project The owner sells by yourself Interested contact Tel. Contact number Line id: pop.wp

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Aspire Vibha-Victory 2-BED room, which is a Type, the bestselling room of the project All rooms are in the high class (floor 16-21). Beautiful floor. The view is very rare. There are many rooms to cho

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