4-story office building for sale with elevator, warehouse, Prachachuen. Line: @bird888

plus Created 2020-05-17 19:21
Boosted 2025-01-28 18:08
plus Create 2020-05-17 19:21
Boosted 2025-01-28 18:08


4-story office building for sale with elevator, warehouse, Prachachuen. Line: @bird888 Selling for 66,600,000 Building next to the road, 8 meters wide in front, behind next to the road 4 meters wide 1. 4-story office building with rooftop 303.4 sq m. 2. Warehouse size width 35 m., length 22 m., height 7.5 m. 3. 1 passenger elevator 4. Bathrooms on every floor 5. Granite floors on every floor 6. Parking space in front of the building 7. Rooftop pool It is water for the fire extinguishing system. 8. Air conditioners on every floor ready to use 9. 3-phase electricity system 380 V Building width 20 m., depth 8 m. = 160 sq m. 4 floors high, total usable area 640 sq m. Not including the roof, 12 m wide, 8 m deep = 96 sq m. Warehouse usable area, 35 m wide, 18.5 m deep Height 12 m., usable area 647.5 sq m. Convenient transportation near the Purple, Red, Blue Lines, Bang Sue Railway Central Station Easy shopping near Lotus Tao Poon Big C Wong Sawang, Gateway Bang Pho and also Near Bang Pho Hospital and Kasemrad Prachachuen If interested, contact at Capture a picture of the house and send it to Line@ -Line id: @bird888 (add @) Call Contact number Bird -Accepting sales and rentals of real estate and land. Free marketing until there is a renter or it is sold Find a house, townhouse, condo, land. Where to buy or rent? Ask me and Ill find it for you.

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4-story office building for sale with elevator, warehouse, Prachachuen. Line: @bird888 Selling for 66,600,000 Building next to the road, 8 meters wide in front, behind next to the road 4 meters wide 1

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