
the Deco 2 bed 52 sqm rent 15000 baht sell 2.9 million bts bearing 300m new room, beautiful condition, good value.

plus Created 2021-01-24 12:44
Extended 1 hour
plus Create 2021-01-24 12:44
Extended 1 hour


Superb room, 2 bedrooms, decorated, livable, 300 m., BTS 52 sqm. DECO Condo, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 2 parking Rent 15000 baht Sold at a price of 2.9 million, the project price is already 3.5 million , Deco @ Bearing, Combine rooms, the whole project has only 2 rooms!! Building A, south side, unblocked view, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 2 parking spaces 52.38 sq m. , same room location Different on the 4th and 5th floor The largest room of the project But the friendship price Fully furnished Bed + mattress 6 feet, both 2 bedrooms of Index, high gloss, luxury Index dressing table, matched with luxury high gloss set, very big wardrobe, 3 doors of Index, high gloss door, luxurious TV stand with hanging cabinet and shelf, Index Ital Smart, high gloss front, luxury sofa, real wood frame, PU leather, super soft and comfortable, good looking, classy Real wood dining table, 4 seats, swivel chair, comfortable sitting. with glass table 10 mm. Anti-scratch, luxury Built-in kitchen project, 2 positions, gray curtains With sheer curtains in the bedroom, kitchen curtains, curtains between the bedroom and the living room Beautiful luxury wallpaper, mosquito netting in the bedroom and kitchen, good ventilation , large mirror in the bathroom, newly made to order, looks very good A large full-length mirror in the living room is made to order. Make the room look bigger and more luxurious. High Gloss table, matching kitchen shelf , all new electrical appliances , 3 inverter air conditioners, super economical (9000btu x 2, 18000btu x1) 40-inch TV, smart TV, vivid picture, beautiful picture, Mitsubishi refrigerator, 2 doors, full capacity , microwave newly 2 Panasonic water heaters , advantages combine > 2 bedrooms, 2 kitchens, 2 bathrooms, 2 parking spaces, 2 balconies The bedroom wall is not attached to other rooms. Quiet, private Call: 0-99- 1 5 6 4 5 5 5

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Superb room, 2 bedrooms, decorated, livable, 300 m., BTS 52 sqm. DECO Condo, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 2 parking Rent 15000 baht Sold at a price of 2.9 million, the project price is already 3.5 million

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