3 storey house for sale, Soi Lat Phrao 64, near MRT Huai Khwang, next to many important places.

plus Created 2021-02-16 14:28
Boosted 2025-01-26 09:44
plus Create 2021-02-16 14:28
Boosted 2025-01-26 09:44
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PROJECT HOUSE LADPHRAO 64 YEAK 6 121 Baan Ladprao 64 Intersection 6, Wang Thong Lang Subdistrict / District 122 square wah, total area of more than 500 sqm. ** Building 3 storey house, 2 DESIGN in the same place * .LOCATION: SOI LADPHRAO 64 YEAK 6 HTTPS: /WWW.GOOGLE.CO. TH / M APS / PLACE / MUN Z + EVENT + ORGANIZER + CO. LTD / @ 13,7868466,100.5938115,16.22Z / DATA =! 4M5! 3 M4! 1SO XO: OX 1 FA B525A A7F7D 20 2! 8M2! 3 D13, 78797 45! 4D100.5909115 Near MRT Huai Khwang Near a new closed train, Lat Phrao Line Near the road along the express Ramindra CENTRAL EASTVILLE / CRYSTAL PARK I CDC CENTRAL Lat Phrao / Rama 9 / ESPLANADE / Railway Market Near Ratchada Road, Huai Kwang, Suthisan, Mengchai, Fresh Market Wat Lat Phaeng Offered a price of 30 minus Interested contact Thip Contact number

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PROJECT HOUSE LADPHRAO 64 YEAK 6 121 Baan Ladprao 64 Intersection 6, Wang Thong Lang Subdistrict / District 122 square wah, total area of more than 500 sqm. ** Building 3 storey house, 2 DESIGN in the

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