Give it free with the tenant to pay in installments Sticking about 1.29 million The owner sells by himself !! Enough Sukhumvit 115 Receive an agent. Agent plus itself. Get Net 1.3 Delete. For sale because you want to move assets. Clear State Transfer expenses and other expenses. All buyers pay Interested in making an appointment to see the room, contact the boss Contact number ID Line: BOSSTEKKII Given the whole fir + electricity Beautiful rooms Easy to rent. DETAIL: - Room Size: 22.60 sqm. 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom, Building A, Floor 5 East - The room is complete, complete, full of electrical appliances, curtains, wallpaper, carrying in - Inside the room, there is a System system. Meter - Near the Kanchana Expressway, Rama 2, Bang Na Bang Pa -in ===================================================== The facilities in the room - Digtal Door Lock - Washing machine - Water heater - LED TV - Refrigerator (? Microwave - Electric stove ============================ - Airy curtains - solid - Dining table - Building cabinet - Shoe cabinet Ready to sink the dish ============================== ===============================
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