⭐️⭐️⭐️ Super Luxury house for sale on the road along the Ramintra Expressway near CDC.

plus Created 2021-12-26 13:46
Boosted 2024-12-24 23:13
plus Create 2021-12-26 13:46
Boosted 2024-12-24 23:13


Super Luxury house for sale on Ramintra Expressway Road, near CDC. The project is located: Pradit Manutham Road, Bueng Kum District Project area 31-0-73.7 rai, 51 units 3-storey detached house - Area 160 square meters - Usable area 690 sq.m. - Function 4 bedrooms / 6 bathrooms - 6 parking spaces / 1 maid room 💰💰💰 Price 165 million baht 💰💰💰 facilities - Clubhouse building and garden on an area of ​​over 2 rai consisting of 23-meter Saltwater Lap Pool, 1.2 m deep. - Kids Pool, depth 0.6 m. - Fitness put about 10 exercise machines - Library - Residents Lounge - Boardroom - Yoga Studio - Spa - Salon - Tennis Court - Golf Driving Cage - CCTV system at Main Gate and within the project The fence around the project is 5 meters high. - The main road is 12 m wide and the inner road is 9 m wide. - 24-hour security guards - Project fence gate Downed wooden fence and electric sled Interested contact Khun Kate Contact number Line id: kn Contact number

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Super Luxury house for sale on Ramintra Expressway Road, near CDC. The project is located: Pradit Manutham Road, Bueng Kum District Project area 31-0-73.7 rai, 51 units 3-storey detached house - Area

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